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afbeelding van product Geleidings- en signalisatietegels

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miniatuur van bijgevoegd document 1 van Geleidings- en signalisatietegels tekstdocument bekijken
Beschrijving:The tactile guidance system SPIN® Safe enables barrier-free construction indoor. By installing SPIN® Safe floor indicators, public space can be designed for people in a way that ensures orientation and participation. The floor indicators, the tile guidance system, the handrail sliders and the tactile overview plans with associated individual desks are made of stainless steel form the SPIN® Safe Guidance System for the Blind. HOBA STEEL is a German based steel manufactory producing in Germany. Originally producing tiles made of stainless steel according to architectural projects worldwide, the demand for design and shaping is decisive for HOBA STEEL.
Kostprijs:Prijs op aanvraag
Laatste update:2023-09-13
ISO-classificatie:Tactiele materialen voor vloeren en trappen (18.33.15)
Producent, buitenlandse handelaar:Hoba Steel, August-Borsig-Strasse 20, 59439 Holzwickede, Duitsland
T +49-2301-96 9999 90, E, W

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